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- Boutique Art School -

Opawa, Christchurch

"Discoveries Art School"

- Discover your Inner Artist -

Can't draw to save your life?

I bet YOU CAN!

#6 - Linda & #33 Sandra - Lightened.jpg

Art Lessons for


My Teaching Philosophy...


To support, inspire, motivate & gently challenge each student to achieve all they wish in their Art.


All this while working in a 'zero-pressure', 

relaxed & fun environment... 

because we learn best when we are enjoying what we do :-)

Discoveries Art Classes:


So everyone can get the most out of our Art Lessons, classes are 'sorted' into 2 'groups':


First Steps - for newbies to art. (Or if you are after a refresher of the basics.)

101: introduces students to painting & drawing skills with a programme that builds upon itself to reinforce the basics - and the reality that painting and drawing can be learned skills. 

102: builds on the basics taught in Term 1 beginning with learning about composition and how to tackle various subjects such as still life, furry friends and landscapes. Great stuff!


Different Strokes - classes are for people looking for support & encouragement with their own art - with a wee 'Sneak Peek' to extend their Arty education each week to keep things fresh and interesting.


Sometimes when we are 'arting' we get stuck...

Stuck staring at a white canvas; 

Stuck trying to work out what is not working in our latest piece - or

Stuck not knowing how to take our art to the next level.  

Sometimes we simply need a skill we haven't learned yet.

Sometimes we just need a bit of support, fresh input and the encouragement or stimulation of others.


This is pretty much what these classes are about - bursting with positiveness and supported by a group safety net to enable all members to occasionally jump knowing all will be well.

More information about my classes click this tab to email me...  

My favourite Students:


Ok, so as a Teacher, it is simply wrong to admit to even the idea of having favourite students - but I must confess - some of the 'most wonderful' experiences I have had as a teacher have been when working with the student who claims 'I can't draw to save my life' - or 'I can't do that.'


It might be the 'know-it-all' in me, but I simply love proving them wrong!


I firmly believe no-one is born an Artist. Those who have attained that title have done so out of shear determination & hard work - and a willingness to both play and to be vulnerable.


Everyone can learn to paint & draw and although the odd person has pushed the boundaries of my belief - ultimately - I have not been proven wrong, yet :-)

My Happiness Guarantee:


Because I cannot bear the thought of anyone being tied into 9 weeks of classes they are not enjoying...

If after your first class you decide you totally hate Discoveries - or me (sniff),

I will REFUND your term's fees in full. Diana

Web site Editors - Floyd & Luchi. 

Great Art Critics, they like to hang in the Studio offering endless input - & cuddles.

© 2016 - Discoveries Art School - Diana Nicholson-Plank, Teacher & Artist


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